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4 Treatments that are Proven to Alleviate Pain from Neuroma

You begin to feel strange symptoms between your toes as you walk, ranging from tingling to pain. Upon inspection, you don’t notice anything too out of the ordinary, which means it could be a Morton’s neuroma.

To figure out whether a neuroma is to blame for your discomfort, turn to the experienced podiatry team here at Neuhaus Foot and Ankle. We have extensive experience with all foot-related problems and can quickly identify and remedy your issue.

If you suspect you have Morton’s neuroma, the good news is that there are several proven treatments that will put the spring back in your step.

Recognizing Morton’s neuroma

Before we dive into our treatments for Morton’s neuroma, let’s quickly review what causes the condition. A neuroma is a benign tumor made up of nerve tissue, which typically develops between your third and fourth toes. This extra tissue pinches the nerve, creating the symptoms, including:

There are many reasons why Morton’s neuroma can develop, including shoes that crowd your toes (think high heels), as well as foot abnormalities, such as high arches, flatfeet, or bunions.

Treating your Morton’s neuroma

If we diagnose a Morton’s neuroma in your foot, there are several treatment avenues, including:

1. Change in footwear

Since shoes like high heels are common culprits behind Morton’s neuromas, the first step toward resolving the issue is to change your footwear. We recommend shoes that leave plenty of space for your toes and don’t force them downward.

2. Orthotics and padding

Going a step further, we also recommend custom orthotics, which we can design in a way that takes the pressure off of the nerve tissue. 

3. Steroid injections

Steroid injections work by reducing the inflammation in the nerve tissue, providing more space for your nerve.

4. Surgery

If your Morton’s neuroma doesn’t respond to conservative treatments, we may recommend a surgical solution. There are two ways that we can resolve Morton’s neuroma surgically:

We usually perform this type of surgery on an outpatient basis, but you may have to stay off of your foot for a time to allow the area to heal.

As you can see, there are many effective solutions for treating Morton’s neuromas. To figure out which option is best for you, schedule an appointment at one of our locations in Hermitage, Brentwood, Nashville, Mount Juliet, Waverly, Smyrna, Gallatin, or Lebanon, Tennessee.

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