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Chronic Achilles Tendinitis: 5 Helpful Treatment Options to Try

Chronic Achilles Tendinitis: 5 Helpful Treatment Options to Try

The human body contains about 4,000 tendons, which are connective tissues that attach muscles to bone. The largest and strongest of these tissues are your Achilles tendons, which attach your heel bones to your calf muscles to facilitate mobility.

One of the more common ankle injuries that our team of podiatry and sports injury experts at Neuhaus Foot and Ankle sees is Achilles tendonitis. 

While anyone can develop Achilles tendonitis, it’s especially common among athletes. In fact, athletes have a 24% chance of developing the condition during their lifetimes.

Our recommended treatment options for Achilles tendonitis prevent further damage in the form of an Achilles rupture and help you move with less discomfort.

1. Resting and supporting your Achilles tendon

In most cases, Achilles tendonitis is due to overuse and repetitive stresses. Therefore, we first suggest giving this tissue a much-needed break. Depending upon the degree of the tendonitis, we may recommend a brace or a boot to take the pressure off the tissue to allow it to heal.

We can suggest alternative activities, such as swimming or cycling, that take the stress off this connective tissue during this time.

2. Icing your Achilles tendon

Anytime you see the suffix itis, it refers to inflammation. So, Achilles tendonitis refers to inflammation in the tendon, and icing is one of the best ways to counter inflammation.

Getting ice to wrap around your Achilles tendon can be tricky. However, a bag of peas or a malleable ice pack you can find at any pharmacy can do the trick.

Ice your Achilles tendon for 10-20 minutes, several times a day, for as many days as you’re feeling discomfort.

3. Stretching exercises for your Achilles tendonitis

While overusing your tendon can lead to Achilles tendonitis, it can also tighten your calf muscles. So, stretching is an essential aspect of any Achilles tendonitis treatment. 

A great place to start is with these exercises, and we can also provide you with some more.

4. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy to speed up healing

We might recommend extracorporeal shockwave therapy to speed the healing process in your Achilles tendon. This therapy is non-invasive, and it encourages soft tissues to heal themselves.

5. Custom inserts to better support your Achilles tendon

While you heal from Achilles tendonitis, you might benefit from custom inserts. For example, some people with this condition use heel lifts to relieve the pressure on the tendon in the back of the shoe. 

We can also design custom orthotics to balance your foot and provide more arch support to reduce the pressure on your Achilles tendon.

With a little patience and effort, your Achilles tendon should heal without resorting to more invasive surgical solutions.

To discover which combination of Achilles tendonitis treatments are best for you, please contact one of our 18 locations in Tennessee to schedule an appointment with one of our foot and ankle health experts.

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