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Does Your Job Keep You on Your Feet All Day? 3 Benefits of Custom Orthotic Shoe Inserts

Does Your Job Keep You on Your Feet All Day? 3 Benefits of Custom Orthotic Shoe Inserts

Modern working conditions can wreak havoc on our bodies — too much standing or too much sitting. If you’re in the former group and spend most of your day on your feet, those same feet may be paying the price.

One of the best ways to support your feet while you work is with custom orthotics. Our team knows what it’s talking about since healthcare providers often spend most of their days on their feet as well. This is certainly the case with our team at Neuhaus Foot and Ankle, which is why we’re so pleased to offer custom orthotics.

Below, discuss three amazing benefits that orthotics can provide if you’re on your feet while you work.

1. Take a load off with orthotics

Each of your feet contains 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 different tendons, ligaments, and muscles. In other words, your feet are complex structures that need support, especially if you’re standing for much of the day.

With orthotics, we provide that boost in support with inserts that spread the workload so there’s even pressure throughout your foot. Not only do orthotics even out the pressure, but they can also help balance your feet.

2. Custom orthotics work with your feet

No two people have the same feet, which is why it’s important to customize your orthotics to your unique needs. For example, let’s say that you’re among the 20-37% of the population with flat feet. With custom orthotics, the insert is designed to make up for this lack of support.

Furthermore, people who work on their feet are more vulnerable to overstress issues like plantar fasciitis. With custom orthotics, we boost the support of your plantar fascia to reduce your risk of this painful condition.

3. Preventing major joint pain with orthotics

Your feet are your foundation. Unfortunately, if they’re off balance, you can experience problems in all the joints in the lower half of your body, including your ankles, knees, and hips. In fact, problems in your feet can even lead to back pain.

With custom orthotics, we balance your feet to promote better alignment throughout your body. For example, if you tend to roll your feet inward, this can lead to ankle, knee, and hip pain. With custom orthotics, we rebalance your lower body to prevent joint pain. That is especially critical if you work on your feet a lot.

The bottom line is that working on your feet all day (or night) can place too much pressure on these small structures, and they can benefit from outside support in the form of orthotics.

For less pain in your feet while you work, contact one of our 18 locations in Tennessee to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced foot specialists.

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