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How These Jobs Drastically Increase Your Risk for Plantar Fasciitis

It’s hard to think of an activity that somehow doesn’t involve your feet. To call these small appendages hard-working would be an understatement, especially for those who call upon their feet to work.

At Neuhaus Foot and Ankle, our team of experienced podiatrists sees our fair share of work-related foot problems and plantar fasciitis ranks among the top.

To give you an idea of how your job may affect the health of your feet, here’s a quick look at plantar fasciitis and which occupations may place you more at risk of developing this painful condition.

Plantar fasciitis at a glance

Each of your feet has a tough band of tissue that stretches from the balls of your feet to your heels called your plantar fascia. The tissue provides critical support for your arches, putting that spring in your step.

When this tissue becomes irritated or inflamed due to overuse, it leads to a condition we call plantar fasciitis. The hallmark of plantar fasciitis is searing pain along the bottoms of your feet and in your heels when you take your first few steps in the morning. 

That occurs because the inflammation causes your plantar fascia to tighten, especially when it’s inactive, such as when you sleep. Of course, the pain can crop up if you’re off your feet for any prolonged time. In either case, when you first bear weight on your feet and your plantar fascia, the inflamed tissue stretches, often painfully. The pain tends to subside after the initial few steps.

Jobs associated with plantar fasciitis

Any occupation that involves your feet places you more at risk for developing plantar fasciitis. To give you a better idea about what we’re referring to, many of our patients with plantar fasciitis work in the following fields:

It’s important to note that while jobs that have you moving on your feet place you more at risk of foot problems, those in which you’re simply standing on your feet for long periods are also common culprits.

As well, if you’re working outside in cold temperatures with shoes that don’t offer adequate insulation or water resistance, you’re putting yourself at risk for developing plantar fasciitis. Although, you'll be surprised to know that cold temperature isn't always the reason your feet are always freezing.

Taking care of your feet

If your job is affecting your feet (or has the potential to), there are several steps we can take to avoid problems like plantar fasciitis. First, we need to address your footwear and whether custom orthotics can help better balance the workload in your feet.

Second, we can recommend 5 specific exercises that keep the connective tissues in your feet strong and supple.

Finally, we may also suggest some modifications to your job, such as mats to stand on or taking some breaks and getting off your feet.

If you want to learn more about how to best care for your feet on the job, contact one of our locations in Hermitage, Brentwood, Nashville, Mount Juliet, Waverly, Smyrna, Gallatin, or Lebanon, Tennessee, to schedule an appointment.

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