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Tennessee Titans’ Colin McCarthy Improving after Concussion and Ankle Surgery

Colin McCarthy, middle linebacker for the Tennessee Titans, has had a rough time for the last year or so with injuries. The injuries resulted in McCarthy missing a disappointing nine games last season.

McCarthy suffered a concussion and, in January, the linebacker had to undergo surgery on his ankle after playing through ankle pain for most of last season. He suffered the ankle injury, which has been referred to as a sprain, right at the start of the season. The injury occurred during a game against the Patriots in Week 1.

McCarthy has apparently recovered well after the ankle surgery at the beginning of the year, which consisted of removing bone and fixing other issues. However, the ankle isn’t quite back to 100% yet and on top of that, he’s had to deal with the aftermath of a concussion, too.

So, will we be seeing McCarthy on the field next season as the middle linebacker?

It’s not for sure yet, but the fact that he is back on the field and looking good is a great sign. He also seems positive and ready to work very hard in the coming months.

We wish him the best of luck and hope his health continues to improve.

If you have suffered a sports injury and would like to set up an appointment with our office, you can contact Neuhaus Foot and Ankle at 615-220-8788 or at our toll-free number 888-713-0906. You can also request an appointment with us online.

Spring Foot Problems In Tennessee – Are You Sandal Ready?

Now that warmer weather is upon us and holidays like Easter and Memorial Day are approaching, it is time to change our wardrobes and prepare for the heat!

Some of you may be getting out of boots and tennis shoes and switching to airer footwear with less coverage, and you may be noticing some problems with your feet. Around this time of year, people often notice problems with their nails and feet because, after hiding their feet away all winter, they’re about the expose them to the world. Whether you notice some discoloration or changes in your nails that may be nail fungus or you just have a bad case of dry skin and heel cracks, it shouldn’t be ignored and we can help you.

The first step in curing any foot problem is seeing a podiatrist and getting a proper diagnosis. So, if you suspect nail fungus, athlete‘s foot, or any other foot problem that needs to be seen, get in to your podiatrist’s office as soon as possible. Many patients come into the office wanting a quick fix for their nail fungus so they can immediately switch to sandals or head to the beach, but curing nail fungus takes time and there is not an immediate fix. Your nail needs time to grow back out and take on a normal appearance again, and you may not feel comfortable wearing sandals or flip-flops for some time if you are self-conscious about it. The same is true of many other foot problems. Some take longer to heal than others and if you need to be sandal ready soon, it is best to get something done as soon as you notice the problem.

Even if you don’t have any issues with the health of feet or nails, though, you may just want beautiful nails to show off or a pedicure or manicure to spruce things up. If that’s the case, be sure to visit Footprints in the Sand, our nail spa. Our wonderful nail technician will get you all fixed up and you can have beautiful nails while wearing your summer footwear!

We will be posting blog entries on common foot/toe/nail problems in the summer and spring over the next several weeks and giving you tips on how to keep your feet healthy and beautiful as the seasons change, so visit our blog regularly to stay updated!

To set up an appointment with Neuhaus Foot & Ankle, call us at 1 (888) 713-0906 or request an appointment online!

It’s Foot Health Awareness Month in Tennessee!

Did you know April is National Foot Health Awareness Month? This month podiatrists all over the nation will be working to spread information about keeping feet healthy!

Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Pay attention to foot pain or other issues! Don’t ignore the signs and symptoms of a potential foot problem. The sooner an injury or infection is caught and treated, the better. It is easiest to treat health problems early on and it is important that you do not let something small and relatively easy to treat progress into something serious. If you notice any changes or pain in your feet, consult a podiatrist. Some patients try to ignore symptoms until the pain is so bad it is disrupting their daily life. 
  2. Keep your feet clean and dry! To help prevent problems like Athlete’s Foot or nail fungus, keep your feet clean and dry, especially during the upcoming sweaty summer months! If your feet tend to perspire a lot, change your socks and shoes often and be sure to bathe your feet regularly and always dry them thoroughly. Damp environments are a breeding ground for fungus, so this is an important step in keeping your feet fungus free!
  3. Wear comfortable footwear that fits well! This is much more important than most people think. Many people expect fashionable footwear to be uncomfortable or even painful, and they will sacrifice their foot health for a fancy pair of shoes. Don’t make this mistake! Wearing improper footwear can cause a variety of foot and ankle problems. Wearing comfortable, well-fitting shoes goes a long way in keeping your feet healthy and happy.

Foot Health Awareness Month is very important to us because so many of the patients who come into our offices have been suffering for some time before their visit. We want to educate people on foot health and encourage everyone in the community to treat foot pain seriously. Don’t miss out on the beautiful spring weather because of foot problems and don’t walk one more step in pain! Give us a call at (615) 220-8788 or request an appointment online and we will help you get back on your feet and active again!

Tennessee Titans’ Jake Locker Suffers a Lisfranc Injury: What is that?

Jake Locker, the quarterback for the Tennessee Titans, suffered a serious injury, a Lisfranc injury, Sunday during the Titans’ game against the Jacksonville Jaguars.

The injury occurred during the second quarter of the game, which the Titans ended up losing 31-17 when Locker took a hit from a Jaguars’ linebacker.

It is probable that Locker will undergo surgery for the injury, and it is expected to keep him out of play for the rest of the season. Locker was placed on the injured reserve list on Tuesday.

Ryan Fitzpatrick took Locker’s place in Sunday’s game and may replace him as the starter for the rest of the season.

After hearing this somber news, a question a lot of fans have been asking is: What exactly is a Lisfranc injury? And why is it so serious that it’s taking him out of play for the rest of the season?

A Lisfranc injury involves the Lisfranc joint, a joint located at the point where the metatarsal bones and the tarsal bones connect and usually occurs with a twisting injury.

The Lisfranc joint takes its name from a surgeon in Napoleon’s army, Jacques Lisfranc de St. Martin (shown above), who became well-known for his foot amputations and for studying the anatomy of the midfoot, where the Lisfranc joint is located. The surgeon saw Lisfranc injuries in soldiers when they would fall from their horses and get a foot stuck in the stirrup. He became skilled at performing amputations on these soldiers, and Lisfranc de St. Martin became the first person to document the injury in 1813.

This injury is most common among equestrians, like the soldiers Lisfranc de St. Martin operated on, football players, runners, and victims of automobile accidents.

Lisfranc injuries vary in severity, but these injuries can be complex and complications after Lisfranc injuries can, and often do, occur.

We wish Locker the best with his recovery and hope to see him back on the field as soon as possible.

For more information on sports injuries or to set up an appointment with Neuhaus Foot & Ankle, contact us online or at (888) 713-0906.

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